Another beautiful morning on the beach down here in Tulum, Mexico where I live. The water was as calm as a lake, I felt peace and serenity as I stared out at the horizon…
where horizon meets the sky…
where vision meets the eye…
where true self-power is mine…
Every time I visit the ocean for my salt scrub and natural phototheraphy (aka the Sun), it inspires me to write. The salt soothes and exfoliates the skin, the water brings me a certain silence that I quite enjoy.
One that allows me to focus on my body and the work I am putting in, now that I have been consistently fueling it for over a year now. Practicing qi-Gong and Yoga have been a huge part of my healing journey.
I am putting together a workout plan for Psoriasis healing that will cover the poses and stretches I do everyday in great detail. There is so much power in our breath and energy is circular, it must constantly flow.
Well, the path continues with great steady progress. The practice gets tighter with more becoming second nature. My lifestyle has almost completed a paramount paradigm shift.
As my body continues to fight the good fight. I am noticing a fastening shift in the pace of my healing. I can tell that the Psoriasis symptoms, toxins and all pathogens are being flushed from my skin cells and tissues back into my bloodstream.
As this process progressively picks up the pace, there are 4 specific signs to look for that prove Psoriasis symptoms are healing completely. I want to go over these aspects with you so your confidence and conviction will continue to strengthen as your skin goes through every level of purgatory to cleanse and find balance…
1. Rashes progressively forming around spots
This is the most noticeable phenomenon of the healing process. At first, I was worried I had drawn another infection.
That wasn’t the case though, as the symptoms didn’t worsen and they seemed to be isolated around the more recent Guttate Psoriasis spots on my arms and legs. The rash has slowly spread around other spots.
This is why I’m excited about the rash, lol…the spots that it is spreading around are flattening and fading. So What I have concluded from this is that the rash is a sign of the toxins being purged from my skin cells and tissues and dissipating back into the blood stream for filtration and removal!
My body has figured out the full signature of these toxins and is systematically flushing them out, slowly but surely.
2. My large plaques are flattening and dispersing
Another pleasant aspect I’m noticing is the raised, irritated plaques of skin are smoothing out as I get rid of Psoriasis. As the excessive chunks of skin that form the plaques are mostly gone and much less red, I have noticed a large reduction in my overall inflammatory responses and itching episodes.
Whereas before, the spots would typically form and stay in perfect circles with raised edges, they now are breaking apart and spreading out. I haven’t had any new spots appear in over a month. I see this the most on my right leg, where a large perfectly circular plaque existed for over five years, is now a battle ground of irregularly shaped plaques and small zits.
As the toxins continue to move out of the skin and the body remains alkaline, the acidic condition that causes reactions and itching sensations is much less potent. I have slowly changed the arena in this game, and more victories come each day!
3. Puffiness and swelling on my ears, eyes and nose
As my body squeezes toxin out of every orifice, I believe this is a common reaction to have. I have soreness around my nostrils, chapped lips and some swelling in my ear lobes.
I had Psoriasis all over my scalp and face, so I expect that as this massive amount of detoxification goes on waste will be exiting at these spots. There will be continuous reactions to this healing process, I feel them being less and less significant.
I certainly feel a bit off, soreness and fatigue here and there, that’s part of the P healing growing pains. It is so important to get a good amount of sleep through this time. I focus on 7-8 hours a night. Getting some water in as soon as I get up and before bed. The primary goal I have for everyday is 3-4 liters of water. My next post will be about “how to alkalize your water to empower your cells”
The key is to stick to the practice, stick to the Psoriasis remedies that need to be added everyday. Make a sound effort towards removing a few certain foods and introducing others that can really help the body fuel up for this fight!
Stay practical, don’t go to extremes, a methodical approach is the way of the Warrior! I am on my way.
You will find inner peace in the practice
I wanted to see how you are doing since your last video. I am also on a journey to cure my psoriasis. I’m currently doing a juice and smoothie fast. I started to develop a rash a few days ago and it is spreading all over my body. I’m trying to figure out if this is a detox reaction or an allergic reaction. I also have some of the other symptoms you discussed: chapped lips, dry and irritated facial skin- but I do not have face/hair P. So I just wanted to see if your symptoms have started to clear yet and where you are at in the healing process.
Health and Love,
Hi Shanell,
i apologize for my late reply. I get a lot of spam comments, so I have to dig through a plethora of those to find my warriors’ comments!
Anywho, Did you transition into your fast? Or did you wake up one morning and just start it full blast? If the latter, you have to closely monitor your body’s reactions. When you start to pump your body full of the fuel it needs to fight, it’s going to feel your commitment and really start digging up toxins that haven’t been addressed, sometimes ever.
When this happens, your skin is going to go CRAZY. You’ll have all types of rash and reaction. When you say detox vs allergic reaction, I really don’t decipher between the two. Allergies, in my opinion, are all reactions to toxins that run your bloodstream instead of you. So when you introduce things that they don’t like, they react aggressively to survive.
I’ve been juicing for over a year, I only do fasts sparingly. I typically will fast 1 day per wk (3-4 liters of water with lemon/lime and chlorophyll), to give my digestive system a break and focus on healing.
I can relate, the rash spread all over my body too, and I believe some of it will remain until spots are fully gone! Just think, when the skin clears, how powerful and healthy the body will be!
What makes us all unique is our bodies, but also the specific toxins that we must remove.
My symptoms are clearing, the rash got worse and worse, my inner elbows were so raw I wanted to cry, but it’s a good pain because i know this rash is the excess of whats causing my spots, this time my body is ridding itself of it through the skin. I have some pictures i took that I will post to show the rash. My arm spots, my back, my face, scalp Psoriasis is all but cleared. I had full coverage on my shoulders, upper arms, chest, torso, so clearly the toxin flush is very extreme for me.
How are you coming along on your Psoriasis healing fast now? I will be looking for your reply and get back to you fast!
I’m working on a follow up post to this one to show progress, I’ll post a video as always! It’s a journey. I’m glad you are on yours, how much coverage do you have? You can email me privately if you want to matt ‘at’
Keep in touch!
I am having my psoriasis scalp since 10 years and now i am 17 years. Its seems very hard in my childhood days. i have attempted many kind of treatments but ,it created many kind of side affects and makes me difficult to present my self to thenow i am using only the prescribed medicene of dermatologist but it is also quiet difficult for it makes me very depressed and i am very much scared about my future .help me
Join my facebook group
Also, you can send me a direct message there as well. We can get you on a transition towards clearing your skin and reaching full health FOREVER.
We can only create in the Now. Don’t get discouraged, you can heal Psoriasis
Im suffering from psoriasis too up to this moment it begun last dec n hoping that before my bday this may it will be leaving me….diet helps plus a lot of water…metothrexate helps a lot a dermatologists cant help us p sufferers but an internist can..d saddest part was that i think my husband is leaving me bcoz of my p hey am jz 35yyrs old i need someoneto love me….aanyways the most important thing is to have faith in God….