Warrior Question - "Are these sources of protein good: Lentils, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds? Which one is better overall? Quinoa vs Brown rice for carbs. Are nuts okay? Almonds and the likes?" My Advice: Organic legumes are ok. Lentils, hummus, black beans in moderation are fine. They have MACs which feed your gut microbiota. Avoid the canned beans, cook them down to remove the … [Read more...]
Psoriasis Pictures June 29th 2018
As my tummy clears, it was pink all over, and on the sides and back, now my back is pretty much completely clear, my tummy has broken out a little more red, but I see real skin all over, We'll see where the healing roller coaster goes next! … [Read more...]
6-Step Daily Routine To Heal Psoriasis Naturally
6 steps in 60 minutes achieve 60% of my Natural Healing Practice Hello PHWarrior! How are you? Are you working on your Natural Healing Practice (NHP) a little more each day? Building skills, resolve, conviction, and discipline, slowly but surely? This is a journey. Getting Psoriasis out of our lives is a large leap into the Unknown. It has certainly been the most formidable challenge in my … [Read more...]
Psoriasis Pictures May 11th 2018
I am getting very close to fully clear, hard work paying off!! I do not flake anymore really, and my lower arms, lower legs and lower core are blotchy red, but softening and clearing quickly now! … [Read more...]
Psoriasis Pictures April 20th 2018
Probiotics For Psoriasis
I have been through dozens of supplements and different types of probiotics in my quest to cure Psoriasis naturally. When the psoriasis was at it's worst in summer 2015, I went on the hunt through thousands of capsules, tablets, tinctures, powders and dollars. I was looking for a silver bullet supplementation protocol to add to my diet. After three years of this hunt, and filling almost an … [Read more...]
Psoriasis Pictures February 09 2018
Gluten and Psoriasis
Gluten is a tricky one. We need to break down the parts of it and other aspects around it and in it. Preservatives, sulfates, "Natural Flavors", canola oil, very common ingredients, (some that have their own unlisted sub-ingredients i.e. vinegar), are high priority poisons to avoid eating as much as possible. They drive the Liver nuts! So, when attempting any elimination phases, dig down into … [Read more...]
Psoriasis Pictures December 1st 2017
Video Update … [Read more...]
Psoriasis Pictures August 2017
Psoriasis Pictures July 2017
Psoriasis Pictures April 2017
Psoriasis Pictures February 2017
Merry Christmas Warriors!
Psoriasis Pictures December 2016
My Psoriasis Healing Journey – Kinesiology, Iridology & Heavy Metals
True healing = education + ACTION! + collaboration In October 2012 I declared war on defeating Psoriasis naturally! I focused on alkaline water, juicing, a tiny bit of fruit and a lot of vegetables while cutting out acid-forming foods like red meat, pork, dairy, gluten, alcohol, and white sugar to clear Psoriasis and get myself to full health and vitality. Click the … [Read more...]
The Healing Crisis Experience of Healing Psoriasis
Watch my video discussing the Healing Crisis experience (click play below and subscribe to my Youtube channel) Listen to My Podcast Episode on the Healing Crisis! (click play or download below) Subscribe and follow my show on iTunes, Spotify, Google, Stitcher and TuneIn. Search “Healing Warrior Radio” on hour preferred platform and connect to my show! LYMPHATIC SYSTEM & … [Read more...]
Epstein-Barr Virus and Psoriasis
The battle continues!! I can feel my body addressing viral infection, which I am sure is Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) which is affecting my nervous system. I've had typical cold symptoms (scratch throat, mucus, runny nose, congestion) along with piercing nerve pain, the sciatic nerve that runs down my lower back into right leg, my atlas (neck) and in my jaw, specifically where the root canal tooth … [Read more...]
Psoriasis Diet Tips – What to Drink and Eat
I know there are a lot of diets out there, we are becoming more afraid of food with all the conflicting information. AIP, Paleo, Nightshade, eat this, not that. We get to a point where we feel like we can't eat anything anymore!! What the heck, man!?! ;) So, lets simplify it and keep the mind busy on practicing, so it doesn't wander into frustration! I made progress when I focused on one … [Read more...]
Way Of The PHWarrior
As our amazing clan of Warriors from around the world grows, I want to take a moment to reinforce the Way of the PHWarrior. Psoriasis has profoundly changed my life. It threatened to become a prison cell that would keep me from the world and those close to me. It threatened to shrink my existence to nothing more than a hermit in a cave. It was a curse. "Why me?", I always asked. I was a very … [Read more...]