Wow, the last three months have been rough. I know I am always very positive and optimistic, but I am also tangible and practical. I´m going to cover the growing pains I have been going through over the past 90 days. Shortly after I wrote a post about not sweating the small Guttate spots, I noticed the rashes that were forming as the Psoriasis spots first began to heal were growing … [Read more...]
Healing Psoriasis Journal Entry #6: Seeing Signs
Ok, It's been about 5 - 6 weeks now on my transitional diet. The main part of that is staying away from all red meats, most all cheese and dairy, all refined sugars and gluten. I would say about 60-80% of my diet the past 4 weeks has been plant-based. The last week, with a friend in town, and a night out on the town this weekend, I had some serious cheats. These consisted of popcorn and soda at … [Read more...]